Diagnodent from Anchorage Dental Arts, LLC in Anchorage

Cavities can hide in your teeth.

It is our goal to help you maintain and improve your oral health. To achieve this goal, the dental care that you and your family receive in our office always includes state of the art equipment. Among the newest technologies is a small laser instrument called the DIAGNOdent, which scans your teeth for hidden decay.

We can't cure what we can't see!

Locating hidden decay before it destroys tooth structure (from the inside out) is a major goal of modern dentistry. The widespread use of fluoride supplements in dental materials, toothpastes and drinking water has made tooth surfaces harder and more resistant to decay.

However, diagnosing cavities beneath the hard surfaces is more challenging because the disease process can start through microscopic defects in the hard surface enamel and can readily spread into the softer tooth structure beneath the surface. X-rays and probing with an explorer are limited in detecting sub surface decay, particularly when the cavity is in its early stages. Fortunately, the new DIAGNOdent is a major breakthrough that allows the dentist to monitor the areas below the hard surfaces. The DIAGNOdent allows the dentist to locate hidden decay, and with the treatment strusted the spread of disease before it destroys the tooth from within.

Patient friendly, especially for children.

This unique instrument provides instant feedback on the health of the tooth. A pen-like probe simply glides over the tooth surfaces constantly checking the health of the tooth. A number scale and an alarm signals the operator and patient when there are signs of hidden decay. This new technology is safe and pain free for patients.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

We encourage regular dental check-ups, cleanings and home care. Early detection of problems minimize the expenses related to major tooth repair. New technologies take us a giant step forward to helping you achieve the goal of minimally invasive dentistry.

Conventional Exams

With conventional instruments, it is generally not possible to probe drop-shaped fissures.

DIAGNOdent Exam

DIAGNOdent has the great advantage of detecting caries in the very early stage by measuring the laser flourescence within the tooth structure.

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Anchorage Dental Arts, LLC

(907) 276-1712

Make an Appointment Now!

Dr. Max W Swenson

Dr. Robert W. Morehead

Anchorage Dental Arts, LLC

2600 Cordova Street #200

Anchorage, AK 99503

General Info: (907) 276-1712

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About Anchorage

Memberships: Dr. Max Swenson

Regular Dental Care Can Prevent Oral Cancer

You may or may not realize that you're screened for oral cancer during your regular dental cleanings at Anchorage Dental Arts, LLC. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, an American dies of oral cancer every hour of every day. It's a sad proposition, especially when you consider that it is highly curable with early diagnosis.

So if you’re not visiting the dentist regularly, please call our office today at (855) 526-7234 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Swenson.

Take Advantage of Your Dental Insurance

If you and your family have dental insurance, you should take a couple of minutes to see what it offers. Many plans have a 'use it or lose it' provision that provides a certain level of care per calendar year.

Take advantage of it and save a lot of money in the long run by avoiding costly procedures that result from poor dental habits. Our friendly staff at Anchorage Dental Arts, LLC will be happy to answer all your dental insurance questions. Just give us a call at (855) 526-7234.

When Should My Child First See a Dentist?

'First visit by first birthday' sums it up. Your child should visit a dentist when the first tooth comes in, usually between six and twelve months of age. Early examination and preventive care will protect your child's smile now and in the future. If you have questions regarding your baby's teeth, please call Anchorage Dental Arts, LLC at (855) 526-7234 and we’ll be glad to provide the answers.

Invisalign braces DIAGNOdent

Anchorage Dental Arts, LLC, 2600 Cordova Street #200, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - (907) 276-1712
Dr. Max W Swenson and Dr. Robert W. Morehead

Call for an Appointment!

(907) 276-1712

General Info: (907) 276-1712

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